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Accessibility Statement

At Crews Bank & Trust, our aim is, and has always been, to provide accessible services for all our customers, including those who have disabilities. We do this, not only because it makes good business sense, but also because it’s the right thing to do. It's consistent with our values, our culture and our vision, to inspire growth through a lifetime of trust.

We've started to make progress, and we realize there is still more to do.

We take our responsibilities in this area very seriously, by engaging with organizations to access their knowledge about the needs of people with disabilities, and how best to improve our products and services. We welcome the insight that this dialogue brings and we’d love to hear from you!

Please contact us at 888-406-2220 or at to learn more about accessibility support services at Crews Bank & Trust.

Crews Bank & Trust welcomes relay calls.


Reasonable Accommodations

Individuals who need a reasonable accommodation to access Crews Bank & Trust’s products and services should send an email to or call us at 888-406-2220 to provide the date on which the reasonable accommodation is needed and information about the nature of the requested accommodation. Requesters should include contact information such as an email address or telephone number where we can reach them. Depending on the nature of the request, Crews Bank & Trust may need sufficient notice to provide a reasonable accommodation.



Crews Bank & Trust ATMs take into account the needs of customers with disabilities.

  • Audio capability: Access in English by plugging in a standard headset – you will be guided through your transaction while the screen appears blank. A Braille sticker on all ATMs directs vision-impaired customers to the audio jack.
  • Design features: ATMs provide height, reach requirements to support wheelchair accessibility, and are fully compliant with ADA guidelines.


Bank locations

We’ve designed our locations with accessibility and convenience in mind:

  • Branches feature accessible doors and restrooms, as well as service areas.
  • Where possible, we have reserved at least one parking space for customers with disabilities.


Online Accessibility

Crews Bank & Trust has an ongoing commitment to assure that online and mobile banking is easy for all of our customers to use, including people with disabilities. We continually enhance the accessibility and usability of our website based upon standards recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.

In the event that a user with a disability experiences accessibility issues with our website, please notify us by sending an email to or calling us at 888-406-2220. In your communication to us, please specify the nature of the accessibility difficulty, including the URL/web address that may have presented an accessibility challenge.

There are a number of accessibility features on your computer and mobile device that can help maximize the comfort of your online experience. Things like:

  • Increasing the size of the text on the screen
  • Magnifying the contents on the screen
  • Enabling high-contrast text
  • Having the words on the screen read out loud to you

For help on customizing any of these features, choose the appropriate link(s) for your operating system and/or browser below.


Operating Systems

To modify system colors, text size, mouse pointers or enable text-to-speech, choose the appropriate link for your operating system:



To learn how to use the zoom magnification features or enable high-contrast text, choose the link for your browser:


Third-Party Websites

Crews Bank & Trust’s website contains links to web pages hosted by third parties. Crews Bank & Trust does not make representations with regard to the accessibility of third-party websites and is not able to remediate accessibility barriers on such websites.



We are always working to ensure that our products and services are accessible to all clients and the public, including individuals with disabilities. If you have an idea or question about accessibility support services at Crews Bank & Trust, please contact Customer Care at 888-406-2220 or by email at