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Chart of the Day: Good News for Last 200 Years

Colored charts showing the changes (improvements) in Poverty, Basic Education, Literacy, Democracy, Vaccinations, and Child Mortality across the World's total population for the past 2 centuries.


Today's Chart of the Day, from Our World in Data, shows how the world has improved per 100 people since 1820. The statistics highlight positive changes, primarily due to advancements in technology. For example, the number of people with basic education has increased from 17 to 86, those who can read have gone from 12 to 87, and child mortality before the age of five has dropped from 43 to just 4.

Additionally, the spread of democracy has risen from zero people to 54 percent, which has contributed to a decrease in poverty, from 79 to just 9 people.

All good news, and it’s exciting to think about how much more progress could be made over the next 200 years.

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