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Chart of the Day: Higher Homeowner Insurance

 Map of US with orange highlights from light to dark with the darker the shade indicates the higher number of insurance non-renewals. Map of the US with blue highlights from light to dark illustrating the 3-year insurance premium change with the darker the shade indicating the higher the increase.


Today’s two charts illustrate that Florida continues to struggle with increasingly more expensive homeowners' insurance. Higher Home Owner Insurance - blue map 3.4
The article the two charts come from make the case that there are four main reasons:
  1. Building costs to are increasing faster than inflation
  2. Houses are getting bigger
  3. Increased litigation
  4. More people are moving to higher risk areas, such as along the coast

As with most situations, the solution to high prices is higher prices. These increased costs are likely to attract more insurance companies to the higher cost markets, ultimately increasing competition and reducing excess costs.

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