Positive Pay
Help Prevent Fraud
Receive notifications of unconfirmed transactions before they are paid.

Benefits of Positive Pay

Positive Pay is easy to use. You also can designate other Online Banking users in your company to upload and/or enter your issued checks.

Safe & Secure
Because items are reviewed daily, fraud can be stopped as it occurs rather than being discovered during account reconciliation.

Quickly view Positive Pay exception items daily.
How It Works

Check Positive Pay
Check Positive Pay is easily accessible through our Cash Management Online Solution. You transmit a list of issued checks to us through your online account each day. Then the items are systematically matched by check number, account number, payee, and dollar amount to the checks paid from the prior business day. Any item that does not match is automatically presented to you for a payment decision.
ACH Positive Pay*
Verify payments, handle exceptions, track activity and generate reports, all while receiving timely notifications through email, text, or mobile push notifications .
With ACH Positive Pay, you’re in control. ACH Exception items are generated because they meet or violate an ACH Filter Rule. Define rules at the account level for ACH activity. Then every ACH transaction presented for payment is measured against these established rules to determine if further scrutiny is needed.
*ACH Positive Pay is an additional tool available to those utilizing Crews Treasury Pro.

See why local businesses choose to work with us.
Oralia Ramirez, Owner of RMZ Realty

Need help with positive pay?
We have put together step-by-step instructions to help you create Positive Pay files.
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