Chart of the Day: Not Going Away

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Today’s Chart of the Day is the projected budget deficits for the next 10 years provided by the Congressional Budget Office. It is not a rosy picture.
This projection is even after assuming no future “stimulus” for economic downturns, similar to 2020-2021, will occur. Politicians are in the process of negotiating changes in taxes and/or limits on spending.In the long run, remain positive by remembering the quote from Winston Churchill, “Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”
Samuel serves as Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer for the Crews family of banks. He manages the individual investment holdings of his clients, including individuals, families, foundations, and institutions throughout the State of Florida. Samuel has been involved in banking since 1996 and has more than 20 years experience working in wealth management.
Investments are not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by, the bank, are not FDIC insured, not insured by any federal government agency, and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of principal.