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93 Years of Commitment and Counting

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As a family-owned and operated bank, we pride ourselves on serving the individuals, families, and businesses of Florida by providing premier banking services with a hometown touch. Each branch is a testament to the relationships of trust that have been built over the years. To continue this legacy of giving our clients a more personalized banking experience, we are honored to announce that our family of banks will soon be unified under the Crews Bank & Trust name beginning in the fall of 2023.

Same Tradition. Same Team. Same Experience.

This unification of all our bank branches opens opportunities to share our story and banking principles with a larger audience. Our banks were built on a solid foundation of being trusted advisors for each of our clients, and we remain steadfast in continuing that same tradition. The only thing that will change about your current bank is the logo. Your banking team remains the same from the teller to the commercial real estate expert. As our family of banks continues to grow, the Crews Bank & Trust name remains synonymous with transparency, tradition, and trust at every level and location, delivering the same unique personal banking experience.

Our mission remains the same: To inspire growth through a lifetime of trust

We will never stop investing in our communities through the lives of individuals, families, and small businesses. Under the Crews Bank & Trust name, you will have access to personalized banking services at 22 locations throughout Central and Southwest Florida for your financial needs, making life more convenient and giving you a sense of community all across Florida. You will receive an elevated level of care as we connect you with additional products and services that will become available at all locations. Unifying under Crews Bank & Trust allows us to deliver on our promises of giving clients the best-individualized banking experience that blends the trust of a local bank with the capabilities of a larger institution.

We are committed to open and transparent conversations throughout this entire process. Learn more at