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 Map of US with orange highlights from light to dark with the darker the shade indicates the higher number of insurance non-renewals. Map of the US with blue highlights from light to dark illustrating the 3-year insurance premium change with the darker the shade indicating the higher the increase.

Chart of the Day: Higher Homeowner Insurance

Today’s two charts illustrate that Florida continues to struggle with increasingly more expensive homeowners' insurance.

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Bar graph illustrating cash vs 60/40 portfolio results over 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. Red bars indicate the percentage of time the 60/40 outperformed cash, while black bars show the percentage of time that cash underperformed during that same time period.

Chart of the Day: Cash Can Cost

Today's Chart of the Day, from BlackRock, illustrates the potential downside of staying in cash for too long. It highlights the excess returns of a..

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bar chart in amazon blue showing growth of use over time

Chart of the Day: 75% Use Prime

Today’s Chart of the Day from Chartr shows that over 75% of American’s are using Amazon Prime as of 2024. Amazon is now the 4th largest company in..

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Graph showing the happiness level of Olympic bronze (red) and silver medalists (yellow) on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)

Chart of the Day: Bronze Happier Than Silver

Today’s Chart of the Day has data from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology used by our partners at BlackRock (the company that owns..

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percentage of assets shown in blue, percentage of funds in orange

Chart of the Day: Fees go on Forever

Today’s Chart of the Day from Bloomberg shows the percentage of assets and revenue by ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), which we use extensively in..

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Yellow bar graph by year, from 2020 to 2024, comparing the history of stockholder returns (black line) for Big Oil

Chart of the Day: The Value Stocks of Big Oil

Today’s Chart of the Day, shared by my colleague Angie Parsons, is from an article in Bloomberg which illustrates what a “value” stock is.

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red line chart showing the stark rise in sports betting since 2018

Chart of the Day: Online Sports Betting

As we near the Super Bowl, today’s Chart of the Day is from Chartr and shows the boom in online monthly sports betting.

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Three charts showing returns

Chart of the Day: Return Distributions

Today’s Chart of the Day from Vanguard shows the distribution of returns from 1928 to 2024, for stocks, bonds, and a combined 60% stock/40% bond..

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blue chart showing 1% increase overtime

Chart of the Day: Atomic Habit of 1%

Today’s Chart of the Day is a little different than others, but one to think about. It’s from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear written in 2018.

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Line chart illustrating the real US Housing Index starting in 1890 to present.

Chart of the Day: Long Term Real Estate Prices

Today’s Chart of the Day, from OfDollarsndData, shows the Shiller inflation-adjusted value for US housing since 1890 and is the longest historical..

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price of diamonds indicated by blue line on the chart

Chart of the Day: Are Diamonds Not Forever?

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Bank of America and shows the price of diamonds going back 22 years. After spiking in 2022, diamond prices are..

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Colored grid illustrating the GDP of various countries, color grouped by region.

Chart of the Day: Size of the World

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Visual Capitalist, looking at the $115 trillion world economy in 2025, broken down by county.

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Bar chart with America US states and average in blue and other countries in orange

Chart of the Day: US vs. the Rest of the G7

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Visual Capitalist showing the annual production per person of America’s richest states vs. the rest of the G7..

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Chart is a grid that shows examples of the types of moats with examples and explanations in each grid.

Chart of the Day: Stock Moats

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Brian Feroldi and talks about the Five Types of Moats.

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blue line chart

Chart of the Day: Eight Months

Today’s Chart of the Day from Nuveen shows that in all the recessions going back to 1953, on average, stocks hit their bottom six months into a..

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Samuel A. Kiburz, Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer

Samuel serves as Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer for the Crews family of banks. He manages the individual investment holdings of his clients, including individuals, families, foundations, and institutions throughout the State of Florida. Samuel has been involved in banking since 1996 and has more than 20 years experience working in wealth management.

Investments are not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by, the bank, are not FDIC insured, not insured by any federal government agency, and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of principal.

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Recent Posts

Chart of the Day: Higher Homeowner Insurance

Today’s two charts illustrate that Florida continues to struggle with increasingly more expensive homeowners' insurance.


Chart of the Day: Cash Can Cost

Today's Chart of the Day, from BlackRock, illustrates the potential downside of staying in cash for too long. It highlights the excess returns of a 60% stock/40% bond portfolio compared to cash since 1926. The top bars (red) show these returns; for instance, a 10-year holding period yields returns 100% higher than cash.

The black boxes below show the percentage of time cash underperforms; for 10 years, that is 91% of the time.

This highlights the old adage, "It’s not about timing the market, but time in the market." If you have funds that you will not need for more than 10+ years, historically, stocks have been your best bet.


Chart of the Day: 75% Use Prime

Today’s Chart of the Day from Chartr shows that over 75% of American’s are using Amazon Prime as of 2024. Amazon is now the 4th largest company in the United States and has an annual return of 27% a year vs. 15% for the S&P 500 over the same time frame.


Chart of the Day: Bronze Happier Than Silver

Today’s Chart of the Day has data from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology used by our partners at BlackRock (the company that owns iShares) for a presentation they recently provided to our clients.


Chart of the Day: Fees go on Forever

Today’s Chart of the Day from Bloomberg shows the percentage of assets and revenue by ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), which we use extensively in portfolios.


Chart of the Day: The Value Stocks of Big Oil

Today’s Chart of the Day, shared by my colleague Angie Parsons, is from an article in Bloomberg which illustrates what a “value” stock is.


Chart of the Day: Online Sports Betting

As we near the Super Bowl, today’s Chart of the Day is from Chartr and shows the boom in online monthly sports betting.


Chart of the Day: Return Distributions

Today’s Chart of the Day from Vanguard shows the distribution of returns from 1928 to 2024, for stocks, bonds, and a combined 60% stock/40% bond portfolio. It also shows where we have ended up in the last four years.


Chart of the Day: Atomic Habit of 1%

Today’s Chart of the Day is a little different than others, but one to think about. It’s from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear written in 2018.


Chart of the Day: Long Term Real Estate Prices

Today’s Chart of the Day, from OfDollarsndData, shows the Shiller inflation-adjusted value for US housing since 1890 and is the longest historical chart I’ve ever seen for real estate values.


Chart of the Day: Are Diamonds Not Forever?

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Bank of America and shows the price of diamonds going back 22 years. After spiking in 2022, diamond prices are now the lowest ever.


Chart of the Day: Size of the World

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Visual Capitalist, looking at the $115 trillion world economy in 2025, broken down by county.


Chart of the Day: US vs. the Rest of the G7

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Visual Capitalist showing the annual production per person of America’s richest states vs. the rest of the G7 Countries, a group of the seven most industrialized counties in the world.


Chart of the Day: Stock Moats

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Brian Feroldi and talks about the Five Types of Moats.


Chart of the Day: Eight Months

Today’s Chart of the Day from Nuveen shows that in all the recessions going back to 1953, on average, stocks hit their bottom six months into a recession and broke even again in eight months. It’s been so long, we often forget the pain we feel in a severely depressed market, but they are relatively short lived.
