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Three charts showing returns

Chart of the Day: Return Distributions

Today’s Chart of the Day from Vanguard shows the distribution of returns from 1928 to 2024, for stocks, bonds, and a combined 60% stock/40% bond..

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blue chart showing 1% increase overtime

Chart of the Day: Atomic Habit of 1%

Today’s Chart of the Day is a little different than others, but one to think about. It’s from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear written in 2018.

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Line chart illustrating the real US Housing Index starting in 1890 to present.

Chart of the Day: Long Term Real Estate Prices

Today’s Chart of the Day, from OfDollarsndData, shows the Shiller inflation-adjusted value for US housing since 1890 and is the longest historical..

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Older couple playing golf

The Benefits of Establishing Florida Residency and Its Impact on Your Estate

If you're considering making Florida your permanent home, you’re not alone. According to Consumer Affairs, “… in 2023, the state’s population grew by..

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price of diamonds indicated by blue line on the chart

Chart of the Day: Are Diamonds Not Forever?

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Bank of America and shows the price of diamonds going back 22 years. After spiking in 2022, diamond prices are..

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What Early Access Checking Means for You

Picture this: It’s midweek, and your paycheck arrives days earlier than expected. Instead of juggling bills and stressing over unexpected expenses,..

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Colored grid illustrating the GDP of various countries, color grouped by region.

Chart of the Day: Size of the World

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Visual Capitalist, looking at the $115 trillion world economy in 2025, broken down by county.

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Bar chart with America US states and average in blue and other countries in orange

Chart of the Day: US vs. the Rest of the G7

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Visual Capitalist showing the annual production per person of America’s richest states vs. the rest of the G7..

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Older Asian couple sitting with a trust officer reviewing their estate planning documents.

Five Important Duties of a Trust Officer

A Trust Officer plays a critical role in managing trusts and ensuring that the wishes of the trust creator (the grantor) are carried out according to..

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Chart is a grid that shows examples of the types of moats with examples and explanations in each grid.

Chart of the Day: Stock Moats

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Brian Feroldi and talks about the Five Types of Moats.

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blue line chart

Chart of the Day: Eight Months

Today’s Chart of the Day from Nuveen shows that in all the recessions going back to 1953, on average, stocks hit their bottom six months into a..

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Two filled champagne flutes on a confetti-covered table with a piggy bank and a clock noting 5 minutes to midnight.

5 Financial Planning and Budgeting Tips for the New Year

As we enter the new year, it’s time to focus on financial planning and budgeting—cornerstones of financial success. A new year provides the perfect..

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Blue bar graph representing the distribution of returns for rolling 12-month periods for the stock market.

Chart of the Day: Stocks in the Rear View Mirror

Today’s Chart of the Day from a Morningstar article about “Buffer” ETFs (aka exchange-traded funds), shows the distribution of returns for rolling..

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Is an SBA 504 Loan Right for Your Small Business?

Are you looking for a loan for your business but aren’t sure if a conventional loan or an SBA loan would be more appropriate for your needs?..

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Chart of the Day: US Almost 50% of the World

Today’s Chart of the Day from Torsten Slok with Apollo shows that the United States now makes up almost 50% of the world’s total stock market value.

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On Our Minds

List Grid
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Chart of the Day: Return Distributions

Today’s Chart of the Day from Vanguard shows the distribution of returns from 1928 to 2024, for stocks, bonds, and a combined 60% stock/40% bond portfolio. It also shows where we have ended up in the last four years.


Chart of the Day: Atomic Habit of 1%

Today’s Chart of the Day is a little different than others, but one to think about. It’s from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear written in 2018.


Chart of the Day: Long Term Real Estate Prices

Today’s Chart of the Day, from OfDollarsndData, shows the Shiller inflation-adjusted value for US housing since 1890 and is the longest historical chart I’ve ever seen for real estate values.


The Benefits of Establishing Florida Residency and Its Impact on Your Estate

If you're considering making Florida your permanent home, you’re not alone. According to Consumer Affairs, “… in 2023, the state’s population grew by 1.6%, or 365,205 residents, the second highest population growth in the U.S.”

Along with the sunshine, golf courses and beaches, Florida offers numerous financial and legal benefits, particularly when it comes to estate planning.


Chart of the Day: Are Diamonds Not Forever?

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Bank of America and shows the price of diamonds going back 22 years. After spiking in 2022, diamond prices are now the lowest ever.


What Early Access Checking Means for You

Picture this: It’s midweek, and your paycheck arrives days earlier than expected. Instead of juggling bills and stressing over unexpected expenses, you take a deep breath. Now, you’re free to take control of your finances and plan without worry. Maybe you can even set aside a bit for a fun night out or start saving for that little getaway you’ve been dreaming about.

This isn’t a far-fetched scenario. It’s a realistic outcome of opening an Early Access Checking account.  

Early Access Checking accounts transform how customers manage their money, offering benefits far beyond traditional checking accounts. One of the most appealing features of this type of checking account is early direct deposit, which allows you to access your funds before the typical payday.

Let’s discuss how early direct deposit works, review the benefits, and explore how Crews Bank & Trust can help you achieve your financial goals with an Early Access Checking Account.


Chart of the Day: Size of the World

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Visual Capitalist, looking at the $115 trillion world economy in 2025, broken down by county.


Chart of the Day: US vs. the Rest of the G7

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Visual Capitalist showing the annual production per person of America’s richest states vs. the rest of the G7 Countries, a group of the seven most industrialized counties in the world.


Five Important Duties of a Trust Officer

A Trust Officer plays a critical role in managing trusts and ensuring that the wishes of the trust creator (the grantor) are carried out according to legal and financial guidelines. While many people designate a family member to handle these duties, sometimes that isn’t the best option.


Chart of the Day: Stock Moats

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Brian Feroldi and talks about the Five Types of Moats.


Chart of the Day: Eight Months

Today’s Chart of the Day from Nuveen shows that in all the recessions going back to 1953, on average, stocks hit their bottom six months into a recession and broke even again in eight months. It’s been so long, we often forget the pain we feel in a severely depressed market, but they are relatively short lived.


5 Financial Planning and Budgeting Tips for the New Year

As we enter the new year, it’s time to focus on financial planning and budgeting—cornerstones of financial success. A new year provides the perfect opportunity to evaluate past habits, identify areas for improvement, and set clear, actionable goals. Whether you’re looking to save more, pay off debt, or invest in your future, having a plan is key.


Chart of the Day: Stocks in the Rear View Mirror

Today’s Chart of the Day from a Morningstar article about “Buffer” ETFs (aka exchange-traded funds), shows the distribution of returns for rolling 12-month periods for the stock market.  


Is an SBA 504 Loan Right for Your Small Business?

Are you looking for a loan for your business but aren’t sure if a conventional loan or an SBA loan would be more appropriate for your needs? Navigating the various types of loans and narrowing it down to the right one is challenging. The commercial lenders at Crews Bank & Trust are experts and are always ready to work with you to help determine the best loan for your business.


Chart of the Day: US Almost 50% of the World

Today’s Chart of the Day from Torsten Slok with Apollo shows that the United States now makes up almost 50% of the world’s total stock market value.
