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Older couple looking at paperwork with a bank employee

Why Should You Begin Your Estate Planning Now?

Google “things to do before you die” and you’ll get over four billion hits. Most will involve experiences like “go on an African safari,” “visit the..

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two story home with palm trees blowing in the wind

Best Practices for Financial Planning in Florida: Include Hurricane Season

If you’ve lived in Florida for any length of time, you know what happens every summer: Hurricane season. Longtime residents know the drill – protect..

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Man looking at a laptop and using a calculator

5 Financial Planning Strategies Business Owners Can Use to Control Expenses

Before you can begin to control expenses en route to lowering them, you must know where your money is going. Numerous financial management programs..

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Chart indicates Year to Date of $100 Invested

The Market Response after Eight Days of Conflict

It’s hard to do commentary when in the morning, the markets are down, and by lunch they are level, and by the close they might be up, and vice versa.

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chart shows the levels in cash spiked during COVID and has not returned

Too Much Cash

In a compelling article by BlackRock, they make an argument that even though we are facing higher than normal inflation and turmoil, that fear is..

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Today's Market Notes - Russian Edition

As with all things, patience is the name of the game in the long run. Below are three notes about today.

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Rising and Falling Rates in Relation to Real Estate Prices

“A 1% decline in real interest rates should lead to a spike in home prices in certain cities in the U.S. ranging from 19% to 33%.” -Bloomberg (Feb...

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Russia vs. USA

It’s been a long slow slog for Russia. Seeing investors saying “let’s buy the dip.” But before that, Russia has some serious structural problems they..

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Father and daughter putting money into a pink piggy bank

Financial Literacy for Children Starts at Home: How to Talk to Your Child About Money

Most parents dread having “the talk” with their kids. The talk generally refers to the birds and the bees, but there are other subjects parents might..

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5% Pullbacks and Russia

Since 1927, the S&P 500 has experienced a pullback of five percent approximately every 70 trading days (about every 3 ½ months.)

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Cooling of Housing Market

Three charts from an article in Bloomberg that shows the housing market may be cooling from higher rates, higher prices (making homes less..

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Zero Real Rates

Yes, rates have climbed from their lows, but let’s hope we don’t look back on this and think that locking in a zero real return (1) for 30 years was..

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Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Continue to Grow

Lower cost, increased liquidity, better transparency, greater tax efficiencies, often more diversified, and for indexed ETFs there is no “drift” of..

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Angles screen that reads

October Investment Update

After declining in September, the equity market is now celebrating the economic recovery from the COVID virus and solid growth in U.S. corporate..

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Couple on the beach

The 4 Best Places to Retire in Florida

Year after year, Florida’s population continues to grow. Many people moving to the Sunshine State are retirees relocating for the reason behind the..

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On Our Minds

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Why Should You Begin Your Estate Planning Now?

Google “things to do before you die” and you’ll get over four billion hits. Most will involve experiences like “go on an African safari,” “visit the Grand Canyon,” “see a live Broadway show,” “swim with dolphins,” “ride in a hot air balloon,” etc.


Best Practices for Financial Planning in Florida: Include Hurricane Season

If you’ve lived in Florida for any length of time, you know what happens every summer: Hurricane season. Longtime residents know the drill – protect yourself and your loved ones in terms of shelter, safety and supplies.


5 Financial Planning Strategies Business Owners Can Use to Control Expenses

Before you can begin to control expenses en route to lowering them, you must know where your money is going. Numerous financial management programs are available to help you keep track of your expenses, but they won’t help unless you or your business manager enters the proper information.


The Market Response after Eight Days of Conflict

It’s hard to do commentary when in the morning, the markets are down, and by lunch they are level, and by the close they might be up, and vice versa.


Too Much Cash

In a compelling article by BlackRock, they make an argument that even though we are facing higher than normal inflation and turmoil, that fear is driving investors to hold too much cash.


Today's Market Notes - Russian Edition

As with all things, patience is the name of the game in the long run. Below are three notes about today.


Rising and Falling Rates in Relation to Real Estate Prices

“A 1% decline in real interest rates should lead to a spike in home prices in certain cities in the U.S. ranging from 19% to 33%.” -Bloomberg (Feb. 23, 2022)


Russia vs. USA

It’s been a long slow slog for Russia. Seeing investors saying “let’s buy the dip.” But before that, Russia has some serious structural problems they need to overcome to become a good long term investment.


Financial Literacy for Children Starts at Home: How to Talk to Your Child About Money

Most parents dread having “the talk” with their kids. The talk generally refers to the birds and the bees, but there are other subjects parents might shy away from, such as the existence of Santa Claus (yes, Virginia, he’s real) or finances. 


5% Pullbacks and Russia

Since 1927, the S&P 500 has experienced a pullback of five percent approximately every 70 trading days (about every 3 ½ months.)


Cooling of Housing Market

Three charts from an article in Bloomberg that shows the housing market may be cooling from higher rates, higher prices (making homes less affordable), and builders starting to ramp up supply.


Zero Real Rates

Yes, rates have climbed from their lows, but let’s hope we don’t look back on this and think that locking in a zero real return (1) for 30 years was a good investment at the time.


Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Continue to Grow

Lower cost, increased liquidity, better transparency, greater tax efficiencies, often more diversified, and for indexed ETFs there is no “drift” of the types of investments they make.


October Investment Update

After declining in September, the equity market is now celebrating the economic recovery from the COVID virus and solid growth in U.S. corporate earnings. The S&P 500 Index is now up 22% for the year and is poised to move higher as economic growth is only hindered by distribution bottlenecks in imported and manufactured goods. The goods inventory scarcity is likely to be temporary, and it should take four to six months to normalize the distribution from ships to ports, trucks, trains and stores. The decline in inventories has caused price hikes in goods and services, yet consumers have registered higher confidence levels, are consuming and traveling more, and are returning to work. Job availability remains high, yet some Americans are choosing retirement, self-employment or part-time work rather than a return to the office.


The 4 Best Places to Retire in Florida

Year after year, Florida’s population continues to grow. Many people moving to the Sunshine State are retirees relocating for the reason behind the state’s nickname: There are over 230 days of sunshine a year, and even in the coldest months, the average daily temperature is 70 degrees or higher. The temperature rarely gets below 50 degrees.
