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existing homes in green, and new homes in purple. The two lines meek at $416k

Chart of the Day: Existing Equal to New

Today’s Chart of the Day from The Kobeissi Letter, @KobeissiLetter on X, shows that the prices of new homes are falling and are now the same price as..

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chart illustrates the internal monologue a client could have when looking at the ups and downs of the market

Chart of the Day: Good Time to Buy

Today’s Chart of the Day from @MVMoneyVisuals on X, formerly known as Twitter, sums up many of the comments heard by advisors over the years. On a..

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Chart of the Day: Hindsight is Always 20/20

Today’s Chart of the Day is a reminder that investing in the “next big thing” can be fraught with risk, and, in this case, cannabis-related companies..

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 1991 and 2002 recessions, 2008 Global Financial Crisis, 2009 European debt crisis and holding cash shown in shades of blue

Chart of the Day: Even Worst Timing is Better than Cash

Today’s Chart of the Day and commentary is from Invesco and shows three instances when cash balances were high — following the 1991 and 2002..

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Orange bar chart shows the impact of timing the market. Investment totals range from nearly $65,000 to only about $4,000

Chart of the Day: Don't Sell When the Market is Down

Today’s Chart of the Day from Visual Capitalist shows the impact of missing just a few positive days over the last 20 years. If you've followed the..

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Alt text: Chart shows that almost half of Americans have nothing saved

Chart of the Day: Retirement Fall Off

Today’s Chart of the Day shows how much families have saved for retirement. Roughly 50% have ZERO saved, and only 21% have over $100,000.

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chart shows 2022 at 6.2, which is the highest on the chart

Chart of the Day: Join the Bond ETF Movement

Today’s Chart of the Day from BlackRock shows the increasing use of Bond Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in the US. Why? Many investors see them as more..

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the 2020s is represented by a red line

Chart of the Day: Inflation by the Decade/Paradigm Shift

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Lance Lambert, @NewsLambert on Twitter, who works for Fortune Magazine. The chart shows total inflation by decade..

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modern gray couch

Comment of the Day: Aretha Franklin's Will

I’m going to take a small detour from my typical Chart of the Day to tell a short story of Aretha Franklin’s will.

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rolling returns from 1914 to 2021 represented by blue line

Chart of the Day: Rolling 10-Year Returns

Today’s Chart of the Day from Cambria shows the rolling 10-year US stock return going back 108 years to 1914. There are two general periods where..

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blue bar chart denoting years stock is held and periods of positive return, range from 1 day to 30 years

Chart of the Day: Better than 50/50, Especially in the Long Run

Today’s Chart of the Day from @morganhousel on Twitter illustrates the odds that you will have a positive return in the stock market based on how..

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chart shows average US car prices from 2016 - 2023

Chart of the Day: Record Car Prices

Today’s Chart of the Day is from a CNBC article titled, “With just 8% of new vehicles costing under $30,000, ‘it’s the least affordable car market in..

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chart shows the impact of inflation on income, countries included are Germany, UK, US, and Japan

Chart of the Day: A Productive US vs. the UK/Japan

Today’s Chart of the Day from Invesco’s mid-year outlook shows that high inflation is reducing household disposable income. A closer look shows..

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US dollar is represented in dark blue, other currencies considered include the Euro, Pound and Yen

Chart of the Day: Dollar Reign

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from the Financial Times and shows the dominance of the US dollar in central bank reserves globally, represented in..

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On Our Minds

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Chart of the Day: Existing Equal to New

Today’s Chart of the Day from The Kobeissi Letter, @KobeissiLetter on X, shows that the prices of new homes are falling and are now the same price as existing homes. Going back to 2008, this is normally not the case (think in reference to new vs. used cars).


Chart of the Day: Good Time to Buy

Today’s Chart of the Day from @MVMoneyVisuals on X, formerly known as Twitter, sums up many of the comments heard by advisors over the years. On a long enough timeline, there has never been a bad time to own stocks for the long-run.


Chart of the Day: Hindsight is Always 20/20

Today’s Chart of the Day is a reminder that investing in the “next big thing” can be fraught with risk, and, in this case, cannabis-related companies are the focus. My finance professor at the University of Florida, Dr. David Nye, always said, “Hindsight is always 20/20,” and in this case, this is very apparent.


Chart of the Day: Even Worst Timing is Better than Cash

Today’s Chart of the Day and commentary is from Invesco and shows three instances when cash balances were high — following the 1991 and 2002 recessions, the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, and the 2009 European debt crisis — and calculates what $12,000 invested yearly in the stock market for 10 years would have been worth.


Chart of the Day: Don't Sell When the Market is Down

Today’s Chart of the Day from Visual Capitalist shows the impact of missing just a few positive days over the last 20 years. If you've followed the blog for a while, you already know that missing just a few days can be devastating to your account.


Chart of the Day: Rent Inflation is Down

Today I have good news for renters.


Chart of the Day: Retirement Fall Off

Today’s Chart of the Day shows how much families have saved for retirement. Roughly 50% have ZERO saved, and only 21% have over $100,000.


Chart of the Day: Join the Bond ETF Movement

Today’s Chart of the Day from BlackRock shows the increasing use of Bond Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in the US. Why? Many investors see them as more liquid and they often cost less.


Chart of the Day: Inflation by the Decade/Paradigm Shift

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Lance Lambert, @NewsLambert on Twitter, who works for Fortune Magazine. The chart shows total inflation by decade going back to the 1990s.


Comment of the Day: Aretha Franklin's Will

I’m going to take a small detour from my typical Chart of the Day to tell a short story of Aretha Franklin’s will.


Chart of the Day: Rolling 10-Year Returns

Today’s Chart of the Day from Cambria shows the rolling 10-year US stock return going back 108 years to 1914. There are two general periods where stocks realized a negative return over a 10-year span: one during the Great Depression in the 1930s and the other during the Great Recession in 2008.


Chart of the Day: Better than 50/50, Especially in the Long Run

Today’s Chart of the Day from @morganhousel on Twitter illustrates the odds that you will have a positive return in the stock market based on how long you own stocks.


Chart of the Day: Record Car Prices

Today’s Chart of the Day is from a CNBC article titled, “With just 8% of new vehicles costing under $30,000, ‘it’s the least affordable car market in modern history,' expert says.”


Chart of the Day: A Productive US vs. the UK/Japan

Today’s Chart of the Day from Invesco’s mid-year outlook shows that high inflation is reducing household disposable income. A closer look shows another interesting note: $100 worth of income in the United States in 1999 is now $170 in 2022, an impressive 70% increase.


Chart of the Day: Dollar Reign

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from the Financial Times and shows the dominance of the US dollar in central bank reserves globally, represented in dark blue.
