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blue bar chart

Chart of the Day: More Mortgage Free

Today’s Chart of the Day from ResiClub shows the percentage of homes that are mortgage-free.

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Line graph illustrating the percentage of manufacturing jobs as compared to all jobs in the US from 1948 to 2023.

Chart of the Day: Manufacturing Decline

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from GlobalData and shows the percentage of manufacturing jobs in the US, from 1948 to 2023.

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defined contributions in blue, defined benefits in green

Chart of the Day: More 401(k)'s Than Ever

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Torsten Slok who is the Chief Economist with Apollo. It shows the increase of defined contributions (401K’s and..

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lobbying levels show in green, Pharmaceuticals: $383M, Electronics $244M, Insurance $158M

Chart of the Day: Lobbying

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Open Secrets and shows the amount of money spent in lobbying our federal government in 2023. We have all heard about..

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Line graph showing return indices for the global market portfolio (blue) and its asset categories - Equities in brown, Real Estate (purple), Nov-government bonds (gray), Government bonds (green) and Commodities (gold) from 1970 to the present.

Chart of the Day: The Everything Portfolio (Part 2)

Today’s Chart of the Day is a follow up from the previous post and is from an academic paper called “The Risk and Reward of Investing” published by..

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Equities broad in teal, real estate in royal blue, nongovernment bonds in magenta, government bonds broad in green, commodities broad in orange- from Dec. 1970 to December 2022

Chart of the Day: The Everything Portfolio (Part 1)

Today’s Chart of the Day is from an academic paper called “The Risk and Reward of Investing” by Doeswijk and Swinkel published in July 2024.

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 Line graph showing the price of gold from 1920 to 2022.

Chart of the Day: Gold vs. Inflation

Today's Chart of the Day from Ben Carlson's book "A Wealth of Common Sense" provides an insightful look at gold prices adjusted for inflation dating..

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red map of China with 94% of their population living on the eastern side

Chart of the Day: Unbalanced China

Today’s Chart of the Day from Epic Maps on X which shows the population density of China.

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Spreadsheet listing common publicly held stocks with the highest cumulative returns from 1925 to 2023. ranked from highest to lowest.

Chart of the Day: List of the Top Stocks

Today’s Chart of the Day is a list by Hendrik Bessembinder from his paper called “Which U.S. Stocks Generated the Highest Long-Term Returns?”..

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bar chart with global prices higher in red and lower in black

Chart of the Day: Big Mac Index

Today’s Chart of the Day from Voronoi shows the “Big Mac Index," a socially popular measure of a concept called Purchasing Power Parity. The concept..

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Chart showing election years from 1930 to present, listed by loss or gains by 10% ranges. Red years indicate losses, grey neutral and green gains.

Chart of the Day: Markets in Election Years

Today’s Chart of the Day was provided by Angie Parsons, a Portfolio Manager at Crews Bank & Trust, after attending a presentation by Brian Levitt..

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Blue bar graph showing the percentage of 25–35-year-olds living with their parents by decade from 1940 throught 2022.

Chart of the Day: 25 to 35-Year-Olds

Today’s Chart of the Day from Apartment List shows the share of 25 to 35-year-olds living with their parents.

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Blue bar graph illustrating the average ranking change across the top-ten performing stocks from the previous year.

Chart of the Day: Beware of Chasing Performance

Today’s Chart of the Day is from a Financial Times article called “Past Performance is a Public Enemy” and includes a chart provided by Schroders.

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Map of the US divided by county. Counties in dark green show tremendous growth

Chart of the Day: Fastest Growing Counties in the US

Today’s Chart of the Day is from @Markets4mayhem on X and shows the fastest growing counties in the United States from 2020-2023, which equates 7.5%+..

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Bar graph showing the growth of bond EFTs from 2007 to present which indicates that they are becoming a very popular option.

Chart of the Day: Bond ETFs Take Off

Today’s Chart of the Day from the Financial Times shows the growth of Bond ETFs from 2007 to present.

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On Our Minds

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Chart of the Day: More Mortgage Free

Today’s Chart of the Day from ResiClub shows the percentage of homes that are mortgage-free.


Chart of the Day: Manufacturing Decline

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from GlobalData and shows the percentage of manufacturing jobs in the US, from 1948 to 2023.


Chart of the Day: More 401(k)'s Than Ever

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Torsten Slok who is the Chief Economist with Apollo. It shows the increase of defined contributions (401K’s and the like) and decline in defined benefit (aka pensions) since 1984.


Chart of the Day: Lobbying

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Open Secrets and shows the amount of money spent in lobbying our federal government in 2023. We have all heard about the money spent by the Pharmaceutical Industry, but we never see to what degree versus other industries.


Chart of the Day: The Everything Portfolio (Part 2)

Today’s Chart of the Day is a follow up from the previous post and is from an academic paper called “The Risk and Reward of Investing” published by Doeswijk and Swinkel in July 2024.


Chart of the Day: The Everything Portfolio (Part 1)

Today’s Chart of the Day is from an academic paper called “The Risk and Reward of Investing” by Doeswijk and Swinkel published in July 2024.


Chart of the Day: Gold vs. Inflation

Today's Chart of the Day from Ben Carlson's book "A Wealth of Common Sense" provides an insightful look at gold prices adjusted for inflation dating back to 1920.


Chart of the Day: Unbalanced China

Today’s Chart of the Day from Epic Maps on X which shows the population density of China.


Chart of the Day: List of the Top Stocks

Today’s Chart of the Day is a list by Hendrik Bessembinder from his paper called “Which U.S. Stocks Generated the Highest Long-Term Returns?” published in July 2024.


Chart of the Day: Big Mac Index

Today’s Chart of the Day from Voronoi shows the “Big Mac Index," a socially popular measure of a concept called Purchasing Power Parity. The concept proposes that the costs of goods, in this case a hamburger, should be the same all over the world.


Chart of the Day: Markets in Election Years

Today’s Chart of the Day was provided by Angie Parsons, a Portfolio Manager at Crews Bank & Trust, after attending a presentation by Brian Levitt with Invesco called, “Is the Second Half of Elections Bad for the Markets?”


Chart of the Day: 25 to 35-Year-Olds

Today’s Chart of the Day from Apartment List shows the share of 25 to 35-year-olds living with their parents.


Chart of the Day: Beware of Chasing Performance

Today’s Chart of the Day is from a Financial Times article called “Past Performance is a Public Enemy” and includes a chart provided by Schroders.


Chart of the Day: Fastest Growing Counties in the US

Today’s Chart of the Day is from @Markets4mayhem on X and shows the fastest growing counties in the United States from 2020-2023, which equates 7.5%+ growth rates. Counties in Florida, Idaho, Texas, and Western Montana dominate the list. 

In Florida, Southwest Florida, north of Tampa, and the I-4 corridor are all in green. Charlotte County went from 188,000 to 206,00, which was an increase of 18,000 people. Sarasota County went from 436,000 to 469,000, an increase of 33,000.


Chart of the Day: Bond ETFs Take Off

Today’s Chart of the Day from the Financial Times shows the growth of Bond ETFs from 2007 to present.
