Active vs. Passive Funds
Today’s chart from Morningstar shows annual net flows into passive funds (in purple) vs. active funds (in orange), and their dominance for the last 11 years.
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Today’s chart from Morningstar shows annual net flows into passive funds (in purple) vs. active funds (in orange), and their dominance for the last..
Estate planning is an important subject that almost everyone—but especially older people—needs to address. Many believe that estate planning is for..
There are two ways to make money in stocks:
I think about this chart often during discussions with clients on having too much exposure to single stocks.
Duration describes the time it takes for a bond holder to get all their money back and/or the change in price for each 1% change in the interest rate.
This chart from an article in today’s Wall Street Journal shows the percentage of funds that underperformed the S&P 500 in the last 12 years. Again,..
I am reminded of this chart every time I drive by a car lot. Before the pandemic, financing and insurance profits made up 70% of the dealer’s..
Below is a great chart from Putnam, which shows that over the last 15 years, if you missed the top 10 best days of market gains, your return would..
Since we use both Vanguard and iShares by BlackRock Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) extensively, one of my pleasures over the last few years has been..
If you’ve lived in Florida for any length of time, you know what happens every summer: Hurricane season. Longtime residents know the drill – protect..
Before you can begin to control expenses en route to lowering them, you must know where your money is going. Numerous financial management programs..
In a compelling article by BlackRock, they make an argument that even though we are facing higher than normal inflation and turmoil, that fear is..
“A 1% decline in real interest rates should lead to a spike in home prices in certain cities in the U.S. ranging from 19% to 33%.” -Bloomberg (Feb...
Thinking about retirement? The average retirement age in the United States, according to U.S. Census Bureau data, is 63 for women and 65 for men...
The creation of cryptocurrencies or digital currencies such as Bitcoin has bankers, financiers and governments pondering the long-term potential..
Today’s chart from Morningstar shows annual net flows into passive funds (in purple) vs. active funds (in orange), and their dominance for the last 11 years.
Estate planning is an important subject that almost everyone—but especially older people—needs to address. Many believe that estate planning is for those with substantial means. However, estate planning determines how an individual’s assets are preserved, distributed, and managed, so even people with assets limited to a residence, bank accounts, and a retirement plan need to form a plan.
I think about this chart often during discussions with clients on having too much exposure to single stocks.
Duration describes the time it takes for a bond holder to get all their money back and/or the change in price for each 1% change in the interest rate.
This chart from an article in today’s Wall Street Journal shows the percentage of funds that underperformed the S&P 500 in the last 12 years. Again, passive indexes beat 85% of the active managers last year, and the majority have done so for 12 consecutive years. This is one of the reasons why we champion passive index funds.
I am reminded of this chart every time I drive by a car lot. Before the pandemic, financing and insurance profits made up 70% of the dealer’s profits. Now, due to price appreciation of their inventory, that percentage has changed. However, the dollar profits from financing and insurance continue to increase. Car dealers have become more like finance and insurance companies.
Below is a great chart from Putnam, which shows that over the last 15 years, if you missed the top 10 best days of market gains, your return would have gone from 10.66% to only 5.05%.
Since we use both Vanguard and iShares by BlackRock Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) extensively, one of my pleasures over the last few years has been seeing each company try to outdo the other by lowering costs. As they continue to lower costs, they gather more and more investments. As referenced in a recent Bloomberg article, together they account for 64% of the ETF market as Vanguard is getting close to the size of BlackRock.
If you’ve lived in Florida for any length of time, you know what happens every summer: Hurricane season. Longtime residents know the drill – protect yourself and your loved ones in terms of shelter, safety and supplies.
Before you can begin to control expenses en route to lowering them, you must know where your money is going. Numerous financial management programs are available to help you keep track of your expenses, but they won’t help unless you or your business manager enters the proper information.
In a compelling article by BlackRock, they make an argument that even though we are facing higher than normal inflation and turmoil, that fear is driving investors to hold too much cash.
“A 1% decline in real interest rates should lead to a spike in home prices in certain cities in the U.S. ranging from 19% to 33%.” -Bloomberg (Feb. 23, 2022)
Thinking about retirement? The average retirement age in the United States, according to U.S. Census Bureau data, is 63 for women and 65 for men. While you may not actually retire until your late 60s or 70s, you should start thinking about it as soon as you start working. Some experts suggest you start saving in your 20s, when you begin earning paychecks, because the sooner you begin saving, the more time your money has to grow.
The creation of cryptocurrencies or digital currencies such as Bitcoin has bankers, financiers and governments pondering the long-term potential economic and political ramifications for the future. While the increasing use of digital currencies demonstrates the power of a secure, secretive payment transfer system, it also has created a loophole from government control.
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