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The Financial Blog


Chart Of The Day

S&P 500 shown in red, dollar shown in blue

Chart of the Day: Inflation vs. Stocks

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Charlie Bilello with information from YCharts. Over the last 30 years, inflation reduced the value of a dollar by..

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Black and white bar graph showing the average number of months it takes to recover from stock market drops and illustrates the difference between a Pullback, a Correction and a Bear Market.

Chart of the Day: Names/Times of Market

Today’s Chart of the Day from CFRA Research goes all the way back to 1945 and shows the average number of months it takes to “recover” from market..

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chart shows 1920 to 2005, data shown by black line

Chart of the Day: Holding Period

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Dresdner Kleinwort Macro Research and notes the average holding period of stocks since 1920.

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Chart is a green bar-graph illustrating the monthly percent change of the cost of motor vehicle insurance from January 2022 to January 2024. Those costs rose every month last year, leading to the highest one-year spike since 1976.

Chart of the Day: 20% Increase in Insurance

Today’s Chart is from Charlie Bilello, with data from the US Bureau of Labor, showing that auto insurance has increased more than 20% from last year.

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Increase from 1950 - 2020 shown in blue line on chart

Chart of the Day: Increasing Chances To Reach Age 100

Today’s Chart of the Day shows the percentage of people who have reached the age of 100.

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A chart sourced from the Wall Street Journal, based on data from the Labor Department, illustrates a 25% cumulative increase in grocery and dining-out expenses since 2020. Additionally, the analysis highlights a 30-year high, with 11% of disposable income designated for food expenditures. The rise is attributed to elevated labor and food costs, with anticipated exacerbation due to forthcoming higher minimum wage laws.

Chart of the Day: 25% More for Food

Today’s Chart of the Day is from the Wall Street Journal utilizing data from the Labor Department, showing that you are not imagining things; there..

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Charts show number of realtors per 1,000 jobs divided by state

Chart of the Day: Number of Real Estate Agents

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Dr. Torsten Slok from Apollo and shows the number of real estate agents per 1,000 jobs.

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Line chart illustrating the decline in average family size from 3.3 in 1960 to 2.5 today. Decrease began in 1965 with the enactment of the Social Security Act. Recent decreases, although stabilizing, are attributed to families having fewer children.

Chart of the Day: Family Size is Shrinking

Today's chart, sourced from Apollo and the Census Bureau data, illustrates a decline in the average family size from 3.3 members per household in..

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 chart ranges from 30 to 65, but green circles representing how many times your salary you should have saved. 30 = 1, over 65 = 10

Chart of the Day: Age vs. Salary Saved

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Yahoo Finance with estimates by Fidelity. It shows a general rule of thumb for financial planning for how much..

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