Chart of the Day: All Stocks Index
Today’s Chart comes from an article in Barron’s with information from Wilshire Indexes. The “Wiltshire 5000” is an index similar to the S&P 500, with..

Chart of the Day: Lifespan vs. Healthspan
Today’s Chart of the Day is from A Teachable Moment by Tony Isola and one to keep in the back of your mind.

Chart of the Day: Invest at the Record High
Today’s Chart, from Peter Mallouk via the Chart Report, shows the average cumulative S&P 500 returns from 1998 to 2020.

Chart of the Day: Car Insurance Up 37%
Today’s Chart of the Day from Bloomberg with data from the US Bureau of Labor shows the inflation of car insurance (black) vs. everything else (blue)..

Chart of the Day: Florida is Second in the Nation
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Apollo Global Management with data from the Census Bureau showing the change in population by state from July..

Chart of the Day: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling
Today’s Chart of the Day from Creativeplanning.com with data from NYE.edu shows the rolling 10-year return of the market going back 85 years.

Factors Over Time
Today’s Chart of the Day is a perennial favorite for some clients and shows the annual stock market performance of several factors. "Factors" is the..

Down Most of the Time
Today’s Chart of the Day is from OfDollarsAndData and shows when the market is “down” after its last record high.

Chart of the Day: Red vs. Grey
Today’s Chart of the Day from Exploredplanet.com shows population density through red and grey areas. When combined, the red areas have a larger..