Chart of the Day: Winners May Not Always be Winners
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from A Wealth of Common Sense and shows the top 10 companies in the stock market going back to 1980.
Chart of the Day: Invest from the Start
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from @QCompounding on Twitter and shows the value of some well-known companies now vs. when they became publicly owned.
Chart of the Day: 60% of People Own Stocks
Today’s Chart of the Day from an article called “Best Time to Buy Stocks” shows the percentage of households that own stocks of any form. Besides a..
Chart of the Day: Beef vs. Pork
Today’s Chart of the Day from the Wall Street Journal shows that you aren’t imagining that beef prices have gone up. Beef prices have increased..
Chart of the Day: Pandemic Credit Card Usage
Today’s Chart of the Day from @CharlieBiello on Twitter shows the annual change in credit card balances dating back to 2000. The latest data shows a..
Chart of the Day: Sell Your Winners AND Your Losers
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Craig Lazzara's article “Persistently Disappointing.” It asks if top fund managers outperform due to skill or..
Chart of the Day: Returns are Rarely Normal
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from A Wealth of Common Sense showing the range of annual returns over the last 95 years. The long-term average is 10%..
Chart of the Day: TV is Still Top
Today’s Chart of the Day is from the recent Harvard Caps/Harris poll. After all of these years, at 43%, TV is still the principal place people get..
Chart of the Day: Total Population
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from with information from the United Nations Population Fund. It shows where everyone lives on earth.