Chart of the Day: Taxes and Spending
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from chartr with figures provided by the US Treasury to help us understand where our Federal Government taxes and..
Chart of the Day: Don't Feel Too Bad
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from BlackRock and shows that 105 of 112 asset classes lost money in 2022.
Chart of the Day: Risk & Return
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from @genticici on Twitter. I was impressed by the simplicity of the concept, and it's very apropos to be on the back..
Chart of the Day: Stocks for the Long Run
Today’s Chart of the Day is a reoccurring one we like to keep updated with current data.
Chart of the Day: Pre-Great Recession Average
Today's Chart of the Day, compiled from information from the Mortgage Bankers Association, shows the 30-year residential rates dating back to 1993.
Chart of the Day: Five Years in Real Estate
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from John Burns and shows the historical percentages of homes sold by sales price going back to 2010.
Chart of the Day: Auto Supply
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Wolfstreet and shows the supply of new vehicles in number of days.
Chart of the Day: Not Going Away
Today’s Chart of the Day is the projected budget deficits for the next 10 years provided by the Congressional Budget Office. It is not a rosy picture.
Chart of the Day: Time in the Market
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from @PeterMalouk on Twitter and shows the percent of time the S&P 500 is positive, depending on your holding period,..