Chart of the Day: The Great Exodus Continues
Today’s Chart of the Day from Bloomberg shows the net growth of Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs), in blue, versus the loss from Mutual Funds, in black...

Chart of the Day: 20+ Years of Inflation
Today’s Chart of Day is from @Mark_J_Perry on Twitter and is called, “The Chart of the Century.” It shows price changes of various goods and services..

Chart of the Day: U.S. is Now 58%
Besides cutting-edge technology, a thing the United States leads the world in is banking and investments.

Chart of the Day: Real Estate Down 5%, but Still Up 40%
Today's Chart of the Day is of the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Index published yesterday, March 28.

Chart of the Day: Don't Stay in Cash
“Time it right,” and “Don’t buy the peak” are attractive goals; however, the chart from @PeterMallouk shows the difference between perfect timing and..

Chart of the Day: More Hedge Funds than Burger Kings
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from the Financial Times and shows a variety of things.

Chart of the Day: 1% Increase Annually to 10%
Today’s Chart supports the idea of, “Save early; save often.”

Chart of the Day: More with Less
I often joke that when I started banking in 1996 there were three of me that do the level of work I do now. This chart supports it.

Charts of the Day: 2022 Index vs. Active Update
The semi-annual SPIVA (S&P Index Vs. Active) report was recently released.