Chart of the Day: Auto Supply
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Wolfstreet and shows the supply of new vehicles in number of days.

Chart of the Day: Not Going Away
Today’s Chart of the Day is the projected budget deficits for the next 10 years provided by the Congressional Budget Office. It is not a rosy picture.

Chart of the Day: Time in the Market
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from @PeterMalouk on Twitter and shows the percent of time the S&P 500 is positive, depending on your holding period,..

Chart of the Day: Save Early and Save Often
Today’s Chart of the Day is from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis supporting the mantra, "Save early, Save often."

Chart of the Day: Half in our Grandchildren's Lifetime
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from chartr with data provided by the United Nations.

Chart of the Day: Music Sales
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Statista, a provider of market and consumer data. The chart shows that streaming music, purple, has taken over..

Chart of the Day: Three Years on Average
Today’s Chart of the Day comes from A Wealth of Commons Sense and shows the number of “bear markets,” years with a 20%+ loss, since World War II. We..

Chart of the Day: Every 2.5 Years
Today's Chart of the Day comes from A Wealth of Common Sense and shows the annual returns of the stock market since 1928. There were 69 positive..

Chart of the Day: Real Estate Cancellation Rate
Today’s Chart of the Day is a heads up from @Nickgerli1 on Twitter about the current state of home construction.