Chart of the Day: 7, 11, 17 Years
Today’s Chart of the Day is based on calculations I did from discussions with a client. It is important to remember, there are only two ways to get..

Chart of the Day: More Professional, Less Individual
Today’s Chart of the Day from S&P Global shows the overall market share owned by individuals.

Chart of the Day: California's Downward Spiral vs. Florida's Rise
Today’s Chart of the Day is from a Wall Street Journal article recommended by Doug F., a subscriber of Chart of the Day. It is called “The Blue-State..

Chart of the Day: Only 42% of Stocks Outperform
Today’s Chart of the Day was prepared by @CharlieBilello on X using data from a groundbreaking paper in 2022 by Hendrick Bessembinder.

Chart of the Day: 2% Created 90% of Returns
Today’s Chart of the Day is from @CharlieBilello from the Hendrick Bessembinder paper called “Shareholder Wealth Enhancement” published in 2023.

Chart of the Day: Chart of the Doomsday
Today’s Chart of the Day from JP Morgan shared by @StevenKelly49 on X shows the results of popular economists who predicted “Doomsday” scenarios and..

Chart of the Day: Why Gold is Money
Today’s Chart of the Day is a classic from Visual Capitalist outlining why “Gold is Money” and the other 117 elements are not.

Chart of the Day: 124 Years
Today’s Chart of the Day from Carson Investment Research shows the 35 major “bad news” events in the stock market going back to 1900.

Chart of the Day: Depression and Walking #1
Today's Chart of the Day is from a research article in the British Medical Journal titled “Effect of Exercise for Depression.”